Sunday, November 30, 2014

Spooked: A Poem

There is a car in the mirror
Footsteps in the park
My room doesn’t feel right
What is in the heart?

The stranger needs a ride
Maids clean up the room
An over friendly clerk
The clouds are filled with gloom

Some say open sources
They’ve changed the ancient craft
But to walk sublimely
It seems kind of daft

If you are so innocent
Why should one even care
Because of privacy and freedom
The crescent and the bear

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

                         Repost from Saturday, September 25, 2004
Why do people say the major parties are basically the same? Granted there are many questionable people and actions in both, but the differences are astounding. In history of course the Democrats and Republicans were historically very different parties and both are in need of returning to the values of the founders.
One party supports abortion/murder of babies, It supports Gay and lesbians radicals, It believes that the government should take care of us. The other party has traditionally leaned more toward the sanctity of life and marriage as well as Knowing the government is not our parent.  
You can say well I'm voting for an individual not a party but history has shown that a mans companions  tend to influence him and he gives up his principles.  Al Gore used to be Pro- life but when he hit  national democratic scene he switched.