Saturday, November 23, 2013

Light their eyes( A Poem)

You see the dead
Walk by every day
Like vampires  or zombies
Empty eyes arrayed
They have not vision
Searching for a hope
Yet they hate the light
The can-not cope
Jesus be their fantasy-
Wake them from the dream
Break the spell of the snake.
Plant the everlasting seed
Bring your heel down
Ignite the fire in our soul
Let our eyes burn bright
Consume the old man whole.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The departed Pen (Poem)

Listen my friends
Ye erratic persons of skill
Talent is a gift-
Not to be handled as shill
Like a pen departed

Listen to this tale of woe
Of one who went dry
One who grew old
His heart was to die
The day the pen departed

Laureate of inspirational flow;
His heart moved his hand.
His intellect glowed.
Till he was unmanned,
And the pen departed

Poor poet so confused;
How had it withdrawn?
How did he lose-
Now it was gone
That  pen departed

Sitting at his favorite table
Grasping forth, but in vain-
All  heard was silence.
What mortal pain;
The day the pen departed.